Qasida has lost her father during the Syrian Civil War. Here's how she found hope again.
Rising: Aissa's Story
Mali is one of the toughest places on earth to be a girl. But a new generation of young women in Mali is refusing to accept limits. Aissa, a 26 year-old woman is one of these leaders. Read more about her story.
Neue Generation, neue Hoffnung
Telling stories, changing lives
These young people are using the power of storytelling to help eliminate child marriage and early pregnancy from their hometown. (Story in English)
Hearing Hands
Ife is an advocate for the inclusion of deaf people in Ethiopian society. Rather than accepting the limitations others would place on deaf children and children with disabilities, she is advocating for a more inclusive world, one in which every child has the power to rise. (Story in English)
A girl with a voice is a strong girl
In Elu Eteya, Ethiopia, Liya desperately wanted to stay in school. She needed support and she found it in this group.
Comment un enfant de la guerre est devenu un combattant pour la paix
En tant qu'ancien participant de Right To Play, Malual est devenu un phare d'espoir.
Pour protéger les autres, Rhobi a utilisé quelque chose d’encore plus puissant que la tradition : sa voix
Rhobi utilise ses propres expériences douloureuses sur la scène de théâtre pour avertir les enfants, les parents et les membres de sa communauté des dangers de la mutilation génitale féminine.
Soutiens leur essor
Votre soutien crée des opportunités là où elles sont le plus nécessaires!
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